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Family Day 2023 Information


Saturday 24th June

We are very excited that preparations have started for the 2023 Family Day!
You can see how much fun past Family Days have been here

The address is;
Dark Lane, Hatton, Warwick CV35 8XA 

As in previous years we are asking for £5 for each adult which goes towards the cost of the admission and catering, children's tickets are free. Every ticket includes lunch, teas, coffees & refreshments and entry to the park all day. 

At the moment all Covid-19 restrictions are lifted. If this changes we will of course respect whatever the new rules may be.
There are sevaral hotels nearby but we do not have an arrangement with any of them:

Marriot Delta Hotel, Stratford Road, Warwick, CV34 6RE 01926499555

Holiday Inn Express Warwick, Stratford Road, Warwick, CV34 6TW.


Travel fund

Once again we have made a fund available to help towards travel costs. This is so that some people who have a long way to travel and who wouldn't have been able to come otherwise will be able to take part in the Family Day. This is available to anyone who needs it including people who received funds in previous years. Although we have this fund available this year, we may not be able to offer this every year as it is dependant on fundraising. If you think that this might be something that would make it possible for you to come please complete the last question on the form below.

We are really looking forward to seeing some old faces and hopefully lots of new ones too. Have a look at Hatton's website to see what is on offer



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